Ottavia Catenacci - Marche
Ottavia Catenacci è una danzatrice, coreografa e performer marchigiana. Ha studiato danza contemporanea presso la Scuola del Balletto di Toscana. Nel 2019 si è laureata in Scenografia all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino, durante la quale ha frequentato la Vilnius Art Academy come exchange student. Nel 2022 si è laureata con un BFA in Danza e Coreografia presso la Danish National School of Performing Arts di Copenhagen, studiando tra gli altri con Rasmus Ölme, Malin Astner, Tiziana Fracchiolla, Quim Bigas Bassart, Shai Faran, Anna Grip, Frédéric Gies e Alma Söderberg. Si è esibita in lavori di Masako Matsushita, Maria Francesca Guerra, Samuel Feldhandler, Snorre Elvin, Renan Martins, Matija Ferlin, Doris Uhlich e Iván Pérez. Nel 2023 Ottavia è stata stagista presso il Dance Theatre Heidelberg (diretto da Iván Pérez) e il Danish Dance Theatre (diretto da Marina Mascarell). Nel 2019 ha creato il suo primo assolo Glory was at the fingertips, con il quale è stata selezionata per la Vetrina della giovane danza d’autore 2019. A questo sono seguiti i lavori A Bridge/in case you will forget (2020, prodotto da HangartFest) e godsibb (2022).
Collabora con Ella Östlund in YOUR HEART OUT, un progetto che indaga le emozioni eccessive del fandom. Con il suo lavoro fotografico e video ha contribuito a diverse mostre collettive: Remains (SHCH/ŠČ Gallery, Vilnius, LT), Guest Room (Der Greif, online) e Not Quite There (TRU Art Gallery, Canada). Attualmente frequenta un MFA in Coreografia alla Danish National School of Performing Arts.
Ottavia Catenacci is an Italian dancer, choreographer and performer. She studied contemporary dance at Scuola del Balletto di Toscana. In 2019 she graduated in Scenography from Urbino Fine Art Academy, during which she attended the Vilnius Art Academy as an exchange student. In 2022, she graduated with a BFA in Dance and Choreography from the Danish National School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen, studying with Rasmus Ölme, Malin Astner, Tiziana Fracchiolla, Quim Bigas Bassart, Shai Faran, Anna Grip, Frédéric Gies and Alma Söderberg, among others.
She performed in works by Masako Matsushita, Maria Francesca Guerra, Samuel Feldhandler, Snorre Elvin, Renan Martins, Matija Ferlin, Doris Uhlich and Iván Pérez. In 2023 she worked as an apprentice at Dance Theatre Heidelberg (directed by Iván Pérez) and Danish Dance Theatre (directed by Marina Mascarell).
In 2019, she created her first solo Glory was at the fingertips, with which she was selected for Vetrina della giovane danza d'autore 2019. This was followed by the works A Bridge/in case you will forget (2020, produced by HangartFest) and godsibb (2022). She collaborates with Ella Östlund in YOUR HEART OUT, a project investigating the excessive emotions of fandom. With her photographic and video work she has contributed to different group exhibitions: Remains (SHCH/ŠČ Gallery, Vilnius, LT), Guest Room (Der Greif, online) and Not Quite There (TRU Art Gallery, Canada). She is currently attending an MFA in Choreography at the Danish National School of Performing Arts.